Religions Help To Unite Mankind. OnenessofAllMovement Inspiration from SSSBABA to BrotherOneness LoveAll HateNone Spirituality Divinity NYC Brooklyn USA Aim mankind unite 526. But the question is Has religion succeeded in any of its efforts to unite mankind. Are religions a force for unity. - Humanity is the true religion of mankind.
Perhaps people in every country society country feel much the same way. A recent survey in Germany asked the question. However is that what you have observed. INVITATION To Unite Under the Hanif Religion of Abraham by International MIHR. The situation of the world today clearly reflects an environment full of conflict and misery. Instead of drawing people together religion has often pushed them apart.
All are like you.
Why do many have little confidence that religion can unite mankind. Perhaps because of what they know from history. In some instances religion has. Religion is important because it shapes peoples morals customs traditions beliefs and ultimately behavior. The order of Allah on the other hand is clear. Do not separate into groups.