Ob Ob Db Db. Hummel et al 1966. Genetically obese C57B16J-m dbdb mice were parabiosed with either lean male db or obese female obob mice. These mouse models should thus display an increase in bone resorption. The obob and dbdb mice were treated with osmotin at a dose of 5 μgg three times a week for two weeks.
Leptin receptor and pregnancy. The dbdb mouse is a model of obesity diabetes and dyslipidemia wherein leptin receptor activity is deficient because the mice are homozygous for a point mutation in the gene for the leptin receptor. Both obob and dbdb mice model phase I and phase II diabetes but only on the C57BLKSJ background do they progress to phase III. Magnetic resonance imaging 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy MRS 1H MRS and 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography PET were applied to measure cardiac function energy status lipid content and glucose uptake. Często zastanawiam się czy wychodzić naprzeciw klientom z reklamą. Leptin signaling-deficient obob and dbdb mice are hypogonadal.
The obob and dbdb mice are extensively used as models in studies on the pathogenesis of these diseases.
Identification of the gene mutated in ob led to the discovery of the hormone leptin which is important in the control of appetite. KK-A y is another diabetes model whose obesity is driven by hyperphagia. These mouse models should thus display an increase in bone resorption. In addition to the obob mutation there is the diabetic dbdb mouse that also displays deficits in leptin signaling as there is a mutation to the leptin receptor Bahary et al 1990. Pathology of the liver in obese and diabetic obob and dbdb mice fed a standard or high-calorie diet. Male dbdb mice had lower serum leptin than females and this was reflected in the amount of protein that crossed the parabiotic union into their partners.