Galena Is An Ore Of Which Metal. Argentite is Ag 2 S Silversulphide Silver Ag can be obtained from it. To remove the elements of interest from the waste material and the ore crystals the ores must be extracted. Share It On Facebook Twitter Email. In fact lead ore is a main source of silver and contributes substantially towards the worlds total output.
It is found as veins in a variety of locations. Galena is PbS leadsuphide Lead Pb can be obtained from it. A variety of geological processes form ore bodies. Log In Sign Up. Principles and processes of isolation of elements. Galena is a primary ore of which of the following metals.
When galena ore is smelted it will produce 4 lead bars and 0-4 silver bars with a 50 chance of each silver bar being produced.
Create Account Log in Welcome Back Get a free Account today. Apr 042021 - Galena is the ore of which of the following metalaIronbCadmiumcLeaddBariumCorrect answer is option C. None of the above Galena is an ore of which among the following metals. When galena ore is smelted it will produce 4 lead bars and 0-4 silver bars with a 50 chance of each silver bar being produced. Metal ores are generally oxides sulfides silicates or native metals such as native copper not commonly concentrated in the crust of the Earth or noble metals normally not forming compounds such as gold. 3 162 wtOxides in sediments with trend of SiO.