After A Knee Replacement Driving. When can I drive. You will be able to ride in a car as a passenger immediately after surgery to get home. You can resume driving when you can bend your knee enough to get in and out of a car and control the car properly. The timing until your doctor says it is safe ranges.
Depending on how your TKA recovery goes you may need to wait six to eight weeks before driving. Riding and Driving In A Car After Knee Replacement Surgery - YouTube. Older studies like the 2003 study Brake Response Time After Total Knee Arthroplasty suggested that 6 weeks was the minimum before operating a vehicle for most knee replacements. While you recover from knee replacement surgery walking can be difficult. When can I drive. Driving restrictions primarily apply to patients who have had a right knee replacement assuming they drive an automatic vehicle.
One of your biggest goals may be to start driving again.
Newer studies have found that due to recent advances in surgical technique pain management and rehabilitation right-sided total knee replacement RTKR patients may be ready to safely drive as. Driving After Knee Replacement Surgery A new study suggests stopping time may be hindered for weeks after knee replacement surgery so when is it safe for a person to drive after undergoing a knee replacement operation. Newer studies have found that due to recent advances in surgical technique pain management and rehabilitation right-sided total knee replacement RTKR patients may be ready to safely drive as. If youre in for a long drive take some time in advance to map out where you can stop every couple of hours. The usual guideline for return-to-driving is six to eight weeks after surgery. When Can You Expect To Ride And Drive After Knee Replacement.